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My Destiny Helpers Must Locate Me

Topic: My Destiny Helpers Must Locate Me

Bible Reading: Psalm 23

Prayer Bombs for Today:

Today will be the beginning of new life for you.

1. By the grace of God, every activities of the enemies that hinder your destiny helpers to locate you will receive fire and thunder of God today in the name of Jesus.

2. The covenant power from your background that is working against your destiny, I commanded them to terminate by the Blood of Jesus.

3. Any forces of failure mount against your destiny, I remove them by the Blood of Jesus in the name of Jesus.

4. As from today henceforth, as long as you believe that Jesus can do it for you, all your destiny helpers will locate you by fire by force in the name of Jesus.

5. Every assignment of demonic forces used to manipulate your destiny helpers, I call the fire of God to destroy them today in the name of Jesus.

6. Father wash me clean with the Blood of Jesus from all evil mark that assigned to my body.

7. Father, locate me with my destiny helpers in the name of Jesus

8. Father, destroy every covenant of failure assigned with my destiny helpers in the name of Jesus

9. Father, cause all my destiny helpers to start working for my favour in the name of Jesus

10. All satanic agents assigned to destroy my destiny, die by thunder and fire of God in the name of Jesus

11. Any person that is walking from one haberlist to another, from one false prophet to another or from one cultism to another in order to fight me, Father let the legs of such person beginning to spoil in the name of Jesus.

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