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Topic: Jesus Authority

Bible Reading: Matthew 28:16-18

The Greek word for authority is 'exousia' which means power to act.
Power to function. Ability to do the right thing at the right time.

By virtue of Jesus' sacrificial death, according to His Father's will,
Matthew 26:39, 42 He is the only owner of all heavenly and earthly
authority. Some people have some level of authority. Satan too has a
measure of authority on his own. Only Jesus Christ has all authority
functioning in all places at every time. We need this authority, you
need this authority, I also need this authority.

If you have the authority of Jesus Christ, you have everything you
needs. The authority gives you boldness to reach the unreached with

The authority gives you access to the unseen things that God hide for
unbeliever. The authority confirmed you as the auction to function for
the Almighty God.

The authority of Jesus open doors for you to rich your destiny
destination as it happens to the Israelites.

The authority authorize you to open and close any creature at anytime.
For instance, Prophet Elijah used God's authority to closed and opened
the heaven, in which there is no rain for three and half years.

"Elijah was a person just like us, and he prayed earnestly for it not
to rain, and rain never came to the land for three years and six
months. Then he prayed again, and the skies poured out rain, and the
ground produced its crops." James 5:17-18

The authority of Jesus Christ is what you need to demolish the forces
of demonism within and around you. Mark 6:7, 13

You need the authority of Jesus Christ to wax stronger in the spirit

You need the authority of Jesus Christ to rule your world and fulfill
your purpose on earth. Genesis 1:28. The Psalmist says: "What is man
that you take notice of him, or the son of man that you pay attention
to him? You made him a little less than divine, but you crowned him
with glory and honor. You gave him dominion over the work of your
hands, you put all things under his feet: Sheep and cattle—all of
them, wild creatures of the field, birds in the sky, fish in the sea—
whatever moves through the currents of the oceans." Psalm 8:4-8.

Beloved, without Jesus' authority, you are not a believer.

Prayer Bombs For Today

1. Father I thanks you for your words

2. Father give me your authority in fullness in the name of Jesus Christ.

3. Father fill my tongue with your authority in the name of Jesus.

4. I received the authority of auction to function as a child of God
in the name of Jesus

5. I silence all forces of sickness in my life with the authority in
the name of Jesus

6. I command my heaven to open for my greatness in the name of Jesus

7. Every hands that cage me, I command and authorize you to lose from
life in the name of Jesus

8. My path to greatness I authorize you to open for me in the name of Jesus.

9. I authorize my name to be remove from the book of failure that the
enemy have kept it in the name of Jesus

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