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How to Stop Remember the Wrong Decisions of you make

How to Stop Remember the Wrong Decisions of you make

Generally, we all make wrong decisions, and this may have caused several setbacks and unproductive to many. Thinking about how you started the journey, and you blame yourself that, had it being you had known you would not have taken such step, you would not have make such decision, if you had known from the beginning that the way is not right you would not have followed it.  However, making wrong decision does not finalized the end journey of your life, rather, you can make any opportunity around to reverse any consequence the wrong decision have caused you.
Beloved, are you always reflect on the things you have done after you have made the decision? Reflecting on the wrong decisions you have make in the past may become another obstacle for you to make the right decision ahead of you. It is sure that, the more you are reflecting your mind on the wrong decision you have taken before, the more it may become your thought and you may find it difficult to take another good decision.
Concentrating and meditating on the next decision you are about to take should be your focus and something you must be meditate on. Plan on the next decision and what you should do so that the decision will workout good for you. Take proper research, and allow God to guide you through the Holy Spirit.
Remember, the outcome of every decision you have taken determine if you have taken the right or wrong decision. If the outcome is good for you, then you have taken the right step but if it is not good then you need to correct your path. (Proverbs 14:12).
1.     I prophecies to your life that you will not be contaminated with the unexpected coronavirus that has spread all over the world in Jesus name.
2.     God will arise with his mighty power and removed all evil virus e.g coronavirus, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ Amen.
3.     Every bird of darkness working against your progress and financial breakthrough fall and die, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ Amen.
4.     I arrest every evil bird fashioned against your breakthroughs and great achievement let fire from above destroy them in the mighty name of Jesus Christ Amen.
5.     My destiny (3x), reject every bewitchment of coronavirus fashioned against me by the agent of darkness in Jesus name Amen.
6.     My life, out of every inherited witchcraft cage, in the name of Jesus Christ Amen.
7.     Every Agent of darkness on assignments to spread coronavirus in my territory and my family members, be roasted by fire in the mighty name of Jesus Christ Amen.
8.     Receive anointing of excellence and breakthrough from all virus, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

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