The Bible is a history of methods by
which God communicated to man and the response of mankind to the voice of God.
This teaching will examines the Biblical record to discover the methods by
which God communicates to man, and how He can communicate with you. In order
words, I will like you to know and understand how God can speak to you, hear
His voice at any given time. It is my desire to start teaching us on
As we all know, the most general way
that God speaks to man is through His Word - the Holy Bible. God speaks to man
through His written Word. God does not
need to speak to you concerning things already revealed in the Scriptures. When God uses other methods to communicate,
they will never conflict with His written Word.
When God speaks through His written
words, it is reliable, it is true, it is flawless, it is alive and active, it
is eternal and it will endure (2Samuel 7:28, I Kgs 17:24, John 17:17, Prov
30:5, Hebrews 4:12, Ps.119:89, Matt.5:18, 24:35).
What You Should Do
With the Written Word of God?
Firstly, Study and Meditate it:
The greatest way to hear God speaks to
you through His written words is meditating and study the HOLY BIBLE on daily
basis (Joshua 1:8-9). GOD speaks to you on every time you study and meditate in
the word of GOD. Therefore, make it your daily responsibilities to study and
meditate in HIS WRITTEN WORD called HOLY BIBLE.
Secondly, Accept it:
You cannot only study and mediate in
the word of God, you must accept it as the WORD OF GOD. Many theologians and
Christians see the word of God as written word of men. But you as person who
desire to understand the voice of God must 100% accept is as the Word of God
send to you in order to understand His voice. (Mark 4:20, Acts 2:41, 1 Thess
Thirdly, You Must Trust in it:
To trust means to rely on. Trust the
word of God as the only word you have to lives forever. To trust the word of
God means to believe that the word can do everything for you as long as you
accept it. Psalm 119:42
Fourthly, You must Praise it and lives
according to it: (Ps 56:4, 10; 119:9)
Fifthly, You Must Obey it:
Another thing you must do with the
Written Word of God is obeying it. Obey it to the fullness is a must in order
to profits and bless through HIS Word. (Ps 119:17, 67, James 1:22-24. Obeying
the word and the voice of God is the most important thing that God require from
every Christian. Any Christian that refuses to obey the word and voice of God
is in the danger list and nothing good will be receiving from God than
For instance, when the Israelite
disobeys God, God forsook them and hand over them unto enemies. When king Saul
disobey God, God did not speak to him anymore. At the end, God took away the
position and thinks given to him. (Judges 2:1-5; 1 Samuel 13:11-15, 28:5-7).
Doing all the above will not only make
and cause you to hear the Voice of God and understand His voice, but it will
also open door of blessings, possibilities and leads you to eternal life that
have been planned and destined for you (James 1:22-24). Be blessed!
1. Thank God for given you grace to heard
this message
2. Sing songs that can motivate your spirit
3. Confess all your sins mostly, sin of
4. Ask for the Holy Spirit of God to fill
5. My God my Lord, every spirit of
disobedience in me, cast out by fire of God in Jesus name
6. As from today henceforth, I dissociate
myself from the spirit of disobedience in Jesus name
7. In the name of Jesus Christ, I receive
the Spirit of obedience
8. As from today henceforth, I will obey
the word of God and the voice of God in Jesus name
9. Any power that hinder me to do the will
of God paralyze in Jesus name
Devil you a liar, I will
not obey you anymore, rather I will obey my God, my Lord and my Creator in
Jesus name
In Jesus name, I will
obedience lives to the fullness of God
I will not fail anymore, I
will not fail God and I will continue to lives a successful life in Jesus name
Thanks you God, thank you
Jesus for answering my prayer in Jesus name I pray, amen.
God bless you and increase you as you join our prayer ministry.