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You Are Original (Part 2)


To remain original is the only and ultimate achievement you can earn in this world. Do you desire to remain original as God program it in His Master Plan for you? Have you ever wonder how beautiful it is if you can remain original? Well it left for you to make a right decision. Before you read on, I want you to understand these facts:

God has chosen you (created you in His image) for a special assignment – original work/ministry not photocopy. You cannot fulfill the purpose of such assignment unless you remain original. You can only become who God want you to be when you remain original of His image.

Now, let us discuss on how you can remain original:

  1. Know Your Stand:
To remain original, one has to know his/her stand and remain in it. Your position in this world remains unchanged unless you change it yourself. You remain number one original in God’s Master Plan if you can hold your stand. The Holy Bible says through our Lord Jesus Christ that you are the salt and the light of the world; without you the world is in darkness and sadness. Your position in the world is to sweetness it and lightens.

During the Bible time, Daniel and his friend in the land of Babylon knew their stand and they remain in it. They refused to deny their integrity and position in the midst of the world by then. Despite the frustration, persecution, and victimizing from the king and the chiefs, Daniel and his friend remain focus and uphold their stand. They knew their stand and built on it. They allowed nothing to change them or make them what they are not. They refused to accept themselves as photocopy; rather they proved to the world that they were original. Because of their commitment and remain focus on their stand, at the end their identity produces more copies. Both the king and the whole nation by then remain photocopies of Daniel and his friend, because they remain original (Daniel 3).

Let people know who you and where you belong. Don’t allow the world to frustrate you or mislead you from your stand. Your stand is original not photocopy. You are the image of the living God not the image of the dead gods. You are the son of the Most High God, not the son of the most earthly idol. The Holy Scriptures

The world we are is the world of frustration and victimization, you are the one to remain focus and hold your stand. Nothing can change you if you do not change yourself. And you can only change yourself from what God had pasted you if you are un-focus or remain un-stand. Think of it, act on it and build on it!

  1. Keep Yourself Aside:
The world exists with different colours and different things. The world affairs mainly exist in order to deform the original image of the Creator; that is you and I. Our Lord Jesus Christ says “We are in the world but not of the world” (John 17:15-16).

The only vital key for you and I not deform by the world is to step aside. That is, do not associate or practice the world habits. It is the character of the world to stain or spoil the image of God, but it is left for you and I to denial the world from these. If you don’t want to be stain by the world, you must be set aside in your endeavor as Daniel and his colleagues did. Don’t be equal with the world; rather overthrow them with your own character and manner. A friend with the world is an enemy of God, says the Holy Bible.

The more you keep yourself away from the world, the more you keep yourself closer unto God and the more you remain original. Know your group. You cannot belong to all association; there is only one association for the original, and it is called “the Body of Original”.

  1. Abide with the Source:
The only source of the original you are the Heavenly Father (God). You cannot fulfill your original image unless you remain in the Source. The only Saviour of the world says “Remain in Me, and I will remain in you. No branch (original) can bear fruit (produce copies) by itself; it must remain in the Vine (Source-Jesus Christ). Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me” (John 15:1-5).

Do you want your original entity to be permanent? Remain in Christ. Do you want to produce more copies in God’s Image? Abide in Christ. If you do not want your lives to be defile, hook unto Jesus. He is the only Key to your lasting originality.


You had been created in the image of the living God, destined to be an original in order to attain and achieve the main purpose of be created. You cannot attain it in a day, it is a process matter. Your attitude towards it shall surely make you fulfill who you are in the Master plan of the your Creator-God. 

1.   Thou power that raised Lazarus from the dead, resurrect all my buried potentials by fire in the name of Jesus.
2.  Thou power that raised Lazarus from the dead, ignite my prayer life by fire in the name of Jesus.
3.   O Lord, help me to live and breathe the fire of holiness from now onwards in Jesus’ name.
4.   Any power assigned to pursue me in the dream, I break your backbone with the hammer of God in Jesus’ name.
5.  Let the power of God catapult my spiritual life from the valley to the mountaintop in Jesus’ name.
6.   Anointing that breaks the yoke, break every satanic limitation placed upon my progress in life in Jesus’ name.
7.   Thou power that raised Lazarus from the dead, inflame my heart with the love of Jesus.

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