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The Reality of Fasting


In the Biblical sense, fasting has many benefits for anyone that make it habit in his or her daily activities. The following are the few amongst the benefit we can derive from fasting:

Powerful Weapon:
Fasting is a principle that God intended for everyone to be able to enjoy. It is one of the most powerful weapons God has given us to confront and overcome our daily lives problems. When you look at the scripture closely, you will find that there are special things we cannot do or achieve unless through fasting and prayers as recorded in the book of St Mark chapter Nine verses twenty-eight to twenty-nine (Mark 9:28-29).  So also there are great benefits promised to us if we will seek God in fasting and prayer. Fasting is a powerful weapon that no one can stop to fulfill its assignment even devil.

Experience the Mighty Work of God:
Through fasting, you can experience a release from the bondage of sin, spiritual breakthrough, and restoration in your relationships, financial blessings, supernatural healing, fulfilling ones destiny, terminated of curses, promotion and so much more!

Closer to Your Creator:
Fasting is not a punishment as many think; rather it's a privilege. By making fasting a way of life, you can get closer to God and grow in your spiritual walk like never before.

Open Up the Benefits and Opportunities:

Another reward of been a partaker in this fasting and prayers has to do with your future. God has given you a vision, a divine dream for your life which you must fulfill. When you fast, you open up the blessings and opportunities He has provided for you to pursue that dream and fulfill it.

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