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Divine Arrow

MEMORIZE: When the people heard this, they were cut to the heart and said to Peter and the apostles, "Brothers, what shall we do?"(Acts 2:37).
When Jesus Christ pours out His Holy Spirit in power, people feel an overwhelming awareness of God's holiness and their own unworthiness (Isa.6:5; Acts 2:37).

As the Holy Spirit glorifies the Lord Jesus, sinners are cut to the heart. It doesn't come naturally, to recognize that we are dead wrong or to admit it openly. It certainly doesn't come naturally, to confess that we've offended God and deserve hell. It seems no amount of blessings or burdens can really change us. But when the Holy Spirit comes in power, we are cut to heart.

One crucial activity of the Holy Spirit is to make us see our heart the way God sees it. When scripture speaks of being cut to the heart or when we speak of an arrow through the heart, it means that one is confronted by God and convicted of sin. Even the proudest, hardest heart can be reached when the Holy Spirit pierces our defense. Even the most godless and corrupt society can return around when the Holy Spirit comes with power.

Have you been cut to the heart? Repent, believe and be baptized into Christ, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. Then your salvation will be sealed (Eph. 1:12-14). The divine arrow is the power that quickens the dead, illuminates the heart and works mightily in us unto submission and consecration (Acts 16:30-34).

1. Holy Spirit of God, let Your divine arrow pierce through my heart this day, and convict me of all my unrighteousness.

2. Holy Spirit, I need Your filling as in the day of Pentecost. Fill me with Your mighty power.

3. Lord God, send Your power into the Church afresh and again, and let there be revival.

4. I receive double anointing of greatness in the name of Jesus

5. I possess the mighty power of God in fullness in the name of Jesus

6. Lord, here I am, fill me with divine authority and power that make me a special vessel to your holy 
name in the name of Jesus

7. Every seed of evil that do not allow the Spirit of God to work in me, is hereby uprooted by fire and blood of Jesus 

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