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In the Control Room

READ Psalm 91:1-10
Memorize: I will say of the Lord, "He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust." (Psalm 91:2).
Is today's passage a flight from reality? How will I no get disturbed about what becomes of my life in the midst of diseases, uncertain future, terrorist attacks, failure, etc.? In the language of the Bible, if we place worries and anxieties of life above the Giver of life, it is nothing but "idolatry". It is surrendering to problems. Wars, diseases, restlessness and instability filled the life and times of the psalmist, but he found out that his life was in the hands of the undefeatable God.
A story was told of a girl who slept in the ship and there was a storm. She woke up and went to the control room. There she found her father busy. She went back to sleep. She heard and saw the raging storm billowing against the survival of the ship. Ordinarily, such a young girl should have been afraid on such an occasion, but she reminded herself, "My father is in the control room. He can't allow me die in this storm. I will not be afraid of the stormy sea."
Look at the faith of that young girl in her father. Shouldn't yours be greater in your Father in heaven? God is always in the control room of your life. The future is never bleak, because He holds your life in His steady, stable, sustaining and supernatural hands. Why then should you fear? Of whom or what should you be afraid? None, nothing, of course.
Thielicke wrote in his book: "Life can begin again ... who really knows? We also need hunger and nakedness.... That we may lose our trust in our strength and learn to understand the blessing of empty hands and spiritual poverty." As you step out today, remember: God is in the control room of the entire universe, and specifically, your life and times. Recognize Jesus as the pillar that holds your life.
1. I know that I can make it /2x. No matter what may come my way, my life is in your hands. Turn that to prayer.
2. Pray that God will totally take control of our nation from all forces militating against His programme for the nation.
3. Pray that God should take charge of the control room of the hearts of our youths to stop the social vices and juvenile delinquencies.

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